Laughter and Libations
Laughter and Libations is about the intentional pursuit of joy. I'm challenging myself to be courageous and share my stories as I shake, stir, strain, steep, brew, and mix up my favorite libations and laugh my way into a more joyful life. I’ll share experiences with a focus on self-care and self-discovery. Come join me on this journey.
Laughter and Libations
Episode 82: Don't Wait for Joy
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Who wants to wait for joy? Not me! Yet, I found myself doing this. I was waiting for conditions to be just right--the perfect time, the perfect place, etc. Seeking perfection can be a real bummer! I was waiting for the perfect conditions to allow myself to do the things I enjoy. Why?
In this episode, I share a few examples of how I've let opportunities to increase joy slip right by me. I also share how small adjustments can help ensure this doesn't continue to happen. Listen and see if you can relate. You might find that you can benefit from making a few adjustments, too.
- High Museum of Art (Atlanta)
Tulsi Sweet Rose by Organic India
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